A bill that would ban the use of mRNA vaccines, including for Covid-19, is on its way to the House floor after passing out of committee in a party-line vote Wednesday.
Sponsored by Rep. Greg Kmetz, R-Miles City, and co-sponsored by Northwest Montana Reps. Tracy Sharp, R-Polson, and Lukas Schubert, R-Kalispell, House Bill 371 would prohibit administering vaccines developed with mRNA, or messenger ribonucleic acid, technology on humans. The bill deems the technology, which was employed to create the Covid-19 vaccines, a hazard.
If you can, get a booster now. These motherfuckers will kill you for political gain.
Edit: Just to be clear, this is a state bill. But if they succeed at the state level, they’ll move on to the national.
Any drug that might be used for abortions, a broad class of vaccinations……
I mean this is how it starts. This is how eventually they tell you what you can and can’t do with your own body.
Before you know it they’ll come after SSRIs, vaccines that have “lead”, any vaccine that might cause injury, elective surgeries that deal with reproduction, and so on.
Because when they know they can get away with this, it makes them bolder in their schemes.
I find it unsurprising but fascinating that the group routinely known for yelling slippery slope is nowhere to be found. It’s like they didn’t give an actual shit to begin with.
Small govt! RNA small.
Government small enough to fit inside a needle.