@refalo oh I wasn’t picking sides, I meant that for everyone involved. Less fighting and more coding; most linux users don’t really care about language used as long as it works, and fast if it’s possible
In my opinion the other dev involved stepping down was inevitable, I read their recent blog posts and it seems like more burnout and this being the final straw.
@toothbrush so much drama and fragile prides hurt, are they finally gonna get back to coding?
to be fair, you can ask the same of many rust devs themselves
@refalo oh I wasn’t picking sides, I meant that for everyone involved. Less fighting and more coding; most linux users don’t really care about language used as long as it works, and fast if it’s possible
In my opinion the other dev involved stepping down was inevitable, I read their recent blog posts and it seems like more burnout and this being the final straw.
Though the constant resistance from people like Hellwig were part of the reason for that burn out, though not the only reason.