Since this actually sounds like a good decision… Over/under on Trump promising to double the amount of nukes and turn China into a nuclear wasteland unless they do something for him, by the end of next week?
Looking at these comments: so now liberals love nuclear weapons?
Americans are ruled by a politics of opposition. Anything Trump does, the opposite must be good. Anything Biden does, the opposite must be good. Nobody thinks about anything from scratch.
Not trusting Russia used to be bipartisan.
Bilateral denuclearization agreements with Russia used to be bipartisan, too.
Russia hadn’t started invading it’s neighbors to steal resources.
This isn’t something you should be proud of lol
Not really, you people just killed and imprisoned anyone that wasn’t racist towards Russians for years until there wasn’t anyone outwardly neutral or positive towards Russia.
Denuclearization is a good thing.
No it’s not. Maybe you haven’t heard but there is a war in Ukraine. They gave up nukes in exchange for pinky swear promises that their sovereignty would be respected.
I dont care if you think Ukraine couldn’t use them or if they would have been invaded if they didn’t agree. The Ukraine war is a giant fucking advertisement for owning nukes.
The only thing psychotic hairless apes understand is immense violence. We are not civilized. We are cavemen with atom bombs and spaceships.
Every country should own nukes. Every country without nukes doesn’t matter and is ripe for exploitation or invasion.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Military spending increased in his first term and talk is cheap.
If he actually followed through on cutting the military budget by half, it’d be an incredible move and I’d start considering him the lesser evil. But it’s all for show, it’s triangulation to appeal to certain groups. End of the day, he’s a right winger and right wingers won’t cut the military.
so he is about to sell america out. good luck, voters
i guess ill look forward to /conservativeMemes about how bending the knee is is a good thing.
“hUrRr rUsSiA sTaNdS fOr PeAcE iN eUrOpE”
downvote? how about explaining.
Not the downvoter, but how about you explaining how restarting nuclear disarmament talks is selling out the American people?
The world is closer to nuclear war now then ever in history. It is now 89 seconds to midnight
Simple, without nukes we’ll have war, real war, real dead Americans. Most of the reason the doomsday clock is so close right now, is because of Trump. His flippant bullshit about Gaza enraged the Arab world, stepping them closer to nuclear war. His attempts at peace in Ukraine, without involving the Ukrainians, is more likely to cause Ukraine to escalate. His defense secretary just told the Russian’s they could defeat the US Navy. Definitely bullshit, but also makes Russia think they can start more shit, probably starting a wider war with NATO.
Simple, without nukes we’ll have war, real war, real dead Americans.
As opposed to dead everyone? Maybe consider that infinite war isn’t the default state of a normal country.
Most of the reason the doomsday clock is so close right now, is because of Trump.
Lmao not even fucking close. It was Obama who prepared this particular powder keg, it was Biden who set it off, it was Biden playing chicken with the nukes, and it was also Biden commissioning reports desperately looking for a scenario where he could let the fucking bombs fly.
I know libs like to pretend they live in a James Bond movie but Russia isn’t interested in a protracted conflict with Europe, it’s been trying to integrate their economy with them for over 30 years and the US keeps sticking its dick in the punch bowl.
If we draw down, between the number of nukes we have now, and 0, there will be a global war. The actual number of nukes won’t matter, humanity will be at risk of extinction.
The only ones at fault for where we are now are the GoP and Trump. They’ve destabilized the Middle East by supporting Israels settlements, taken every dime from Putin to do his bidding for decades, tore up Pacific treaties to stop Xi, while doing every thing they can to get Iran to give them a pretense to invade.
love me a foreign asset president.
An American does something bad I’m America in an American way:
Liberals: “this is the fault of foreigners!”
Trump is but a figurehead.
Yeah, for an American fascist movement