Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that Russia must withdraw to its pre-invasion positions from February 24, 2022.
In an interview with Newsmax, he hoped that Donald Trump, with European backing, could end the war and influence Putin.
Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine will not accept any negotiated settlement that excludes its involvement.
He also suggested that Trump needs a diplomatic success to differentiate his approach from Biden’s. However, there is no indication that Russia is willing to retreat.
Europe’s doorstep? What a convenient excuse for mediocrity. If proximity magically solved conflicts, Europe wouldn’t need American logistics to move a few crates of ammo. Comparing this to the Middle East? Laughable. The U.S. doesn’t fumble because it’s far away; it succeeds because it plans ahead—something Europe clearly struggles with.
Intel coordination? Sure, Europe can shuffle papers while America does the thinking. Calling out “goalpost moving” is rich when your entire argument hinges on redefining failure as effort. NATO’s brain is American because Europe’s head is buried in bureaucracy.
And “resolve”? Spare me the Paris Accords sob story. Signing treaties you don’t enforce isn’t resolve; it’s theater. Europe outsourced its energy and security, then cries betrayal when reality bites. Pathetic.
I didn’t choose where Putin decided to invade. Next time I’ll ask him to invade Mongolia so muricans can flex those cargo planes. Europe doesn’t need America to invade Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan, you do that on your own. Tell me more about how USA succeeded in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan!
Shuffling papers is what intelligence is. So thanks for confirming!
Keep on selling out your allies and moving goalposts.
Europe’s mediocrity isn’t Putin’s fault, and pretending it is just proves my point. Logistics aren’t about flexing; they’re about capability, something Europe conveniently lacks when it matters. If you want to compare Vietnam or Iraq, at least acknowledge the difference: America acts, Europe dithers.
Intelligence? Shuffling papers isn’t intelligence; it’s bureaucracy masquerading as strategy. Your “moving goalposts” jab is ironic when Europe’s entire playbook is redefining failure as resilience.
Keep pretending treaties are resolve and outsourcing security is independence. The reality? Europe is a spectator in its own theater of irrelevance.
Stay mad while America keeps carrying your dead weight.