After receiving the text for the ad quoted above, a representative from the advertising team suggested AFSC use the word “war” instead of “genocide” – a word with an entirely different meaning both colloquially and under international law. When AFSC rejected this approach, the New York Times Ad Acceptability Team sent an email that read in part: “Various international bodies, human rights organizations, and governments have differing views on the situation. In line with our commitment to factual accuracy and adherence to legal standards, we must ensure that all advertising content complies with these widely applied definitions.”
Thanks for the thorough explanation! I would like to see some links for some things you mentioned (like the warnings being a hoax and blocking escape routes)… but most of the other stuff I was able to find online easily with google.
But so… does Israel value the destruction of Hamas more than the civilian lives of Palestinians in Gaza? I feel like the cost is too high. 🤔 don’t get me wrong, I am not a general but I don’t feel like I’d be okay with firing into a crowd of children and women in a residential area to kill X number of combatants, even if they snuck into these areas designated for civilians only 😅😅