• hawkwind@lemmy.management
    1 year ago

    DAE feel like they woke up one day recently and “AI” suddenly has the answer to EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM EVER? Yet, nothing is getting noticeably better?

    “AI” doesn’t have to work a dead end job to feed its family, or turn to alcohol because it’s lonely and scared of being forgotten. It’s training data is a curated version of the human experience based on the Internet!

    It’s playing human instead of being human and ALL of its solutions will assume that’s “normal.”

    Imagine a five star general googling “should I attack this country?” That’s silly right? Well that’s what’s happening. It’s just being wrapped in a way that makes it look novel.

    These are algorithms designed to mimic humans. When faced with any actual controversy they must be persuaded to answer in an “acceptable” and predetermined manner.

    The golden rule.