I personally think that responsible smartphone use should be learned and practiced, rather than outright banning them.

I think this shows that adults are terribly addicted to their devices and think if they can’t stop using them, children won’t either. They certainly can’t teach how to use phones responsibly if they can’t do it themselves. Unfortunately for children the result is an outright ban.

  • N3Cr0@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Taking away the most versatile and most commonly used tool shouldn’t be the way to go.

    If we keep up these obsolete paradigms, students will be forced to stick with ineffective handwritings off whiteboards. Their documents go to the trash after school since the serve no purpose anymore and they use up far too much space.

    Instead, students should make excessive use of their digital helpers - as we already do at work or for all the other daily tasks.