The original post was basically suggesting that AI won’t be smart enough to replace humans because it gets basic things wrong like showing salmon filets in a river instead of actual live salmon. However, when you feed this picture to chatGPT, an AI itself, it very much can discern the difference between the two, refuting the premise of the original post and suggesting that actually we are at risk of being replaced by AI.
Feed that picture into ChatGPT and ask it to explain the joke
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The original post was basically suggesting that AI won’t be smart enough to replace humans because it gets basic things wrong like showing salmon filets in a river instead of actual live salmon. However, when you feed this picture to chatGPT, an AI itself, it very much can discern the difference between the two, refuting the premise of the original post and suggesting that actually we are at risk of being replaced by AI.
both of you are not tall enough for this ride
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The guy is an idiot troll. Ignore him.
someone is about to be!
I go spend one morning at jobsite and look what I walk back to
where are these bozos blowing in from anyway
K jackass
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it seems like you’ve had the joke fly right over your head
but then given your apparent predilection towards wanting outsourced thinking, the notion of using your own head must weigh far too heavy