nice circle

      3 months ago

      You should definitely try to read it again. It’s literally set in a world that exists after the US collapses and most of the agencies are sold off to corporations.

      It’s over 30 years old at this point and, for near future sci-fi, some of the speculations fall flat. I’m pretty sure this book is also where Zuckerberg got the idea for both the technology and name of “the metaverse.”

      Some of its faults derive from the habit of sci-fi authors “dropping” you into their world without context or explanation. Slang, cultural norms, history, and technology are introduced without a lot of explanation. Snow crash also has a lot of characters whose perspectives we see throughout which probably contributes to the weird format you mentioned. I’ve always read Snow Crash like a movie (even though all of the attempts to make it into one have failed).