I just had to report something to the police that will probably end a very close friendship of mine, but it was something that was totally not okay and I had to do it. But I still feel like a piece of shit for it. Have you ever felt like this and how did you get through it?
Due to my job I was a mandatory reporter for suspected child abuse.
This means I was legally liable to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect. I could lose my job, face a fine, and/or face jail time.
I had to call CPS for a friend’s kid.
The friend was not the problem, her ex husband was.
Long story short, the kid is fine, and the friend now has a different spouse and many more kids with the new spouse, lol.
It was the right thing to do, even though the friend didn’t want to involve a government agency to handle it. Just caused a strained friendship for a while.
Wow that’s a tough one. I’m glad it worked out