A brain-damaged man telling a crowd to vote for jonald bay hump is God’s onion article.
I like that Trump wants to put this guy with CTE in charge of advanced missile defense systems.
It was either Herschel, Leon Musk, or Tim Apple
What’s the chances trump calls him “Hershey” Walker before he dies?
What are the chances Trump will even remember him after the election?
Very high
I feel bad for the guy. We know what CTE does and we know what his future will hold. If he doesn’t die by his own hand after angrily beating someone who didn’t deserve it, he’s gonna go out confused, scared, and probably shaking horrifically.
But that doesn’t mean he deserves anyone to vote for him. This isn’t homecoming king for a feel-good story. Also, dude was kinda a dick before the repeated TBIs, so probably not homecoming king material either.
I’m a lifelong Georgia Bulldogs fan and used to hold Herschel in almost godlike esteem as a kid. And while I obviously have sympathy for his neurological plight and he clearly is being used and manipulated for political gain. He’s also always been a small minded sexist and homophobic asshole which folks like me ignored for a long time. But those days are done, fuck Herschel Walker.
J Joe Jo Jonald Fo Fonald
I feel bad for the guy. I used to work in retail outside Dallas and he came in regularly. The guy couldn’t really maintain a conversation, had difficulty answering open ended questions, and had to be accompanied everywhere.
I saw him running for senate in Georgia maybe a year later.
Republicans acting cruel once again.