A stark example of how digital footprints will be utilized in a post-Roe America
The article is from Aug 10, 2022 but remains relevant
A stark example of how digital footprints will be utilized in a post-Roe America
The article is from Aug 10, 2022 but remains relevant
People will treat her as a victim, but she had a lot of options.
She could have not had sex, she could have used contraception, had an abortion elsewhere, had an illegal abortion before the fetus could be considered a baby, or simply given it up for adoption using the many resources available to do so. Mothers (unlike fathers, *cough) have a myriad of opportunities to not take responsibility, from start to finish.
She chose the worst way to deal with this, and since this is encompassed in the politics on abortion, people support this horrible act regardless of anything else.
She didn’t even have to have an abortion elsewhere, it’s legal in Nebraska up to 20 weeks after conception.