Not specifically Archlinux, but I am using Archlinux on my laptop, so I thought I’ll ask here.
I am planing to replace my 1 TB M.2 SSD in my laptop with a 2 TB M.2 SSD, and I am wondering how to clone the whole 1 TB SSD and restore it onto the 2 TB M.2 SSD.
I have read about people using $dd for that, but I never did that. Can anybody confirm that this is possible?
I am running two partitions, one boot and the other one is a crypt device with btrfs + subvolumes inside.
Is there anything I have to consider, before doing this?
Thank you for your time.
Thank you, would it not be possible to dump the cloned disk into a file? I don’t have a second PCIe slot in my laptop… I was hoping to connect an external drive, dump the nvme, replace it, and restore it.
Can you clone from the nvme to the external drive then clone the external drive over to the new nvme once installed? If you have other stuff on the disk you can clone to a file but it will be a slower process:
dd if=/dev/sdX conv=sync,noerror bs=64K | gzip -c > /path/to/my-disk.image.gz
I’ve done something like that before with ddrescue though the example on the Arch wiki ddrescue page shows how to copy an entire drive to another drive. Here’s how to backup to a file instead:
sudo ddrescue -f -n /dev/sda1 /path/to/backup.hdimage /path/to/backup.mapfile
But I’d reference the docs just to double-check:
You might need to restore the image via Arch recovery mode with a bootable USB drive loaded with the Arch ISO however.