I heard it will be on the Fediverse. Is it true? I heard it had 30 millions users registered on the first day. Wtf. The whole Fediverse doesn’t even have 10 millions users. I heard it will not be available in Europe, yet. I visited https://www.threads.net/ and I don’t know if it’ll be the Threads instance to the Fediverse. There’s nothing at the moment.

I wouldn’t like this contamination in the Fediverse. What are your thoughts?

  • Cold Hotman@nrsk.no
    1 year ago

    I’m not interested in Threads, nor sending my posts or comments to an instance that would eventually federates with them either. I’m currently going through the instances I’m connected to through communities and plan on unsubscribe from any community hosted on an instance not explicitly stating they’ll block federation with Meta’s servers.