It’s the same as with Linux, GIMP, LibreOffice or OnlyOffice. Some people are so used to their routines that they expect everything to work the same and get easily pissed when not.

    2 years ago

    Photoshop doesn’t have a native G’MIC plugin feature. You can’t wave that away as not Adobes fault!

    That’s how stupid you sound.

    Different products have different features and different ways to do things. It’s not Gimp’s sole purpose to just clone every feature from Photoshop. It’s not a Photoshop clone, it’s a piece of software in its own right.

    Gimp makes great use of the amazing G’Mic filter tool. Adobe doesn’t. That doesn’t make Gimp better than Photoshop.

    Different software makes different choices and people choose whichever they want to use and shut the hell up about it.