The far-right darling is accused of leaving his mom and sister high and dry as they fight eviction.

Kyle Rittenhouse has been publicly dragged by his own family, who say the far-right darling has left them high and dry as his mother and sister brace for eviction from their home.

Faith, Kyle’s sister, put out a desperate plea for help on May 29, setting up a GoFundMe to help fight their eviction notice.

“With my brother’s unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we’ve been left to navigate this journey on our own,” she added.

Her family has “exhausted every resource available to us,” she wrote, and “time is running out.”

When I was in the hospital we tried to like talk to my brother, we tried to like to tell his lawyer to tell like my brother like I was maybe needing surgery or like I was in the hospital, I never heard from him,” Faith told viewers of the V-Radio podcast.

    4 months ago

    Conservative enablers become collateral damage of conservatives being conservatives…more at 11.

    Also if you’ve never seen the Rittenhouse family they all appear to have iqs below 85 or so.

    Look at the sisters quote here…like…uh…like Kyle …like never helped us …like even like for my like surgery like …like like like