Someone did some 🇺🇦ification of our small town.

    1 year ago

    Yeah that’s why I did the “grief” (didn’t take or damage anything, just put Ukraine flags up and changed the pictures). People on here will literally simp for and believe Putin’s fascist propaganda (Ukraine is neo-nazi! instead of the nuanced opinion: Azov is neonazi, Ukraine allows it to exist out of a real-politik desire to remain in existence as a state, but is a libdem country in reality) just because it goes against the West and NATO. It really isn’t that hard to say “The West makes money off of the war and helped lead to the conditions that lead Putin to invade, BUT the invasion is fundamentally based in Russofascist doctrine AND Ukraine deserves right to self determination and democracy, something we value as leftists”.

    The grief of course doesn’t change anything but I had a jolly good time.

    “Why would they do this? Like, how does this help their cause? Last time I checked this does not effect material reality…” 🤓

    Some missed highlights:

    Michael Parenti University -> Nancy Pelosi’s Place

    Communists of Australia -> Scott Morrison

    Giant wool ukraine flag at the top of the world

    Commie posters -> I Heart NATO, Donald Trump pepe, Nancy Pelosi

    Villager area labelled as Xinjiang, with a sign saying “Don’t worry guys! No genocide here!”