• Altima NEO
    71 year ago

    Yeah I don’t know. Everyone keeps saying Reddit is dying, but to me it’s clear people are going back, or never left. People are too damned addicted.

    • @GeneratorOP
      21 year ago

      I agree, including myself. I time with more content and better apps ill probably will use less Reddit, Lemmy/apps still lacks many features like video integration and other major features, maybe 6 months Lemmy could be much different with more content

  • morgan423
    51 year ago

    I could see this metaphor, sure.

    Not like the dying (and nearly dead) mall of today… nowhere close.

    But it’s like the times 20 years ago… the online retail space has been recently launched, and is starting to gain popularity… the mall’s days are now numbered, even though they haven’t lost many customers yet. The fatal bullet has been fired, and although it has a bit of travel time, it’s on its way.

    And so it goes for Reddit.