Imagine this slightly tipping, losing control, and then driving you head-first into the ground
To shreds, you say…
Oh, I am
I’m guessing that didn’t pan out well since any soldier who rose above the battlefield in one of those would instantly be shot.
I believe they intended them to have morters, and be more like support craft that would generally only be a little off the ground, making terrain far less of a factor.
But yeah, crazy loud thing that makes you a big target for an almost negligible benefit was a big downside.
But they would have the high ground, and ranged attacks against them would have disadvantage
Regular soldiers learn to stay close to the ground to avoid getting hit…
But Chad soldiers rise above the fray to destroy their enemies.
✅ Verified True Fact
I wonder how it was powered. It couldn’t have operated for very long
Probably benzene and other fun substances. Benzene! If The Nazis Don’t Getcha, There’s Always Benzene!TM
Hey! The Soviet version of these were in MGS3! No idea that they had a historical basis.
Makes me wonder what else in that game that seems like Kojima’s bullshit but actually real.
Yeah there’s a ton of wacky Kojima nonsense that’s actually rooted in-- put that mushroom down.
“So, how does it taste?”
Sigint talks about that if you call when you first see them. My favourite is when you call Sigint about the guard dogs. I think that story is legit too.
The Soviets tried to train dogs to run under German tanks with explosives strapped to them, making them literal anti-tank fur missiles. But when they made their debut in combat they ran to and detonated under Soviet tanks. When they were training the dogs they used Soviet tank hulls for practice. Soviet tanks used diesel fuel so that’s the smell the dogs sought out. Then project was suddenly scrapped!
Afaik thats a true story. See also the Allied Pigeon Guided Missiles and Bat Based Incendiary Bombs
You are not a combat drone, Erik, get down! Erik?
Still not as UFO-like as the avrocar
If we tried this in this age with the technology and minds we have i’m convinced we could make something that represents fictional hovercrafts.
Put me down for one so I can go make contact with a lost tribe and become their God
I found out about these when they appeared in MGS3. I also found out about the Fulton Lift system from MGS5. Both times I looked them up thinking they were fiction from a Japanese dude’s head canon.
The fulton system is used in MGS3 too! The C-130 Snake jumps out of has the cable latching system on the nose. They don’t show it in the game but he uses the balloon to exfil after Volgin nukes the joint
So that’s where the Soviets got their individual hovercrafts from MGS3
Exactly. Sigint talks about it if you call him up
Wow this is just like the floating platforms in the Black Ops Zombie map “Ascension”
Flying platforms for a JANFU!
JANFU: Joint Army-Navy Fuck Up