We have this fixation on generations. I think it’s more to unite our own personal identity with change. This is supposed to happen at age related milestones and the social roles we take as we age. However, this phenomenon has been hijacked by media cycles of “eras”.
Generations were a fad in the 90s where you’d hear something about some such generation every day. Then for the most part, people stopped talking about this pseudoscience nonsense. Although, like horoscopes, they never really went away. But I don’t get how we’re back a nearly useless model of behavior being a daily part of conversations.
I’m pretty sure that for as long as people and their offspring have been separated by ~20 years, there have been generalized complaints about the older and younger folk.
More artificial divisions to keep us occupied and distracted.
We have this fixation on generations. I think it’s more to unite our own personal identity with change. This is supposed to happen at age related milestones and the social roles we take as we age. However, this phenomenon has been hijacked by media cycles of “eras”.
Generations were a fad in the 90s where you’d hear something about some such generation every day. Then for the most part, people stopped talking about this pseudoscience nonsense. Although, like horoscopes, they never really went away. But I don’t get how we’re back a nearly useless model of behavior being a daily part of conversations.
I’m pretty sure that for as long as people and their offspring have been separated by ~20 years, there have been generalized complaints about the older and younger folk.
Yeah, probably way back in the day Gronk was complaining in his cave about the kids and their new fangled inventions like the wheel and housing.
And how, if living in a cave and walking everywhere was good enough for him, then dammit. it’s good enough for them!
Did you know they don’t even believe biggest rock is best rock?