• Franklin@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    There’s a lot of good and bad.

    Bad Supporting Israel financially, forcing the rail workers back to work from their strike, his environmental policies seem half hearted.

    Good Forgiving large amounts of student loan debt, having his cabinet work with the DEA at reclassifing weed while promoting the idea publically, putting billions into Urban reconstruction to help cities become less dependent on roads and more accessible for the least fortunate.

    It’s more nuanced than he’s great or awful. He’s just better. As it often ends up coming to in American politics.

    As an aside I long for multi choice voting.

    • Spiralvortexisalie@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Ok I’ve seen sources for the bad. Do you have sources for good that actually involve his intervention? I refer to the fact that the loan debt cancellations so far would have happened under any other administration. I ask what actual progress has the DEA undertaken if we are still having same discussion after four years. I refer to the “American Rescue Plan” being a literal extension of the “CARES Act” (So again not his plan). Please tell me what he has done that would not have been accomplished by a plank of wood?