• SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    Israel ended it’s occupation of Gaza a long time ago. You’re probably too young to have been following the news back then. Israel removed all it’s settlements from Gaza and withdrew it’s military. There was a lot of hope for the future of Gaza. It’s on the sea and could trade. There’s nice beaches there, so who knows, there could even be a tourist industry there.

    A lot of optimism back then. This was the path to peace. Once the economy improves in Gaza, and there’s peace and prosperity there, the world could pressure Israel to do the same with the West Bank.

    Then a plurality of Palestinians voted for Hamas. Hamas took power. Well shit.

    It seems a lot of Palestinians didn’t consider the

    There was a failed attempt to depose them. And a blockade. Because of course… the Hamas government had as it’s stated goal to destroy Israel.

    And yeah Hamas wasn’t effective at governing. Fascists never are never very good at that. But the UN filled in the gaps for them. Kept things going more or less.

    But just because Gaza was a failed state doesn’t mean it wasn’t a state. And yeah it wasn’t recognized by anyone because no one in their right mind would recognize the Hamas psychos as a legitimate government.

    Gaza was briefly the only free part of Palestine. Until Hamas fucked it all up.