• Duamerthrax@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Gamergate and 2016 US Politics go hand-in-hand, as Steve Bannon was an orchestrater of the former as a trial run for the latter.


    I’d say I can’t believe everything is shit because of porn-addicted white people on the internet, but historically speaking that’s been the motivation behind almost every fascist movement.

    and you lost me. I’m assuming you live in “the west” where white people are the majority. Once you start looking at other areas of the world, you’ll see the same methods being used by none-white fascist(or pseudo fascists) upstarts. Also, pretty sure sexual repression has a stronger link to violent politics. Chaste societies are easier to get to go to war. Why do you think “purity” is so valued in abrahamic religions and why the Nazis burned the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft.