“…the average person treats a price ending in .99 as if it were 15 to 20 cents lower.”

The tendency is called left-digit bias, when the leftmost digit of a number disproportionately influences decision-making. In this case, even though the real difference is only a penny, research shows that, to the average person, $4.99 seems 15 to 20 cents cheaper than $5.00 – which results in selling 3 to 5 percent more units than at a price of $5.00"

Why Literally (Almost) Every Price Ends in 99 Cents


EDIT: The left-digit bias is not just pennies / cents. It applies when going from $99 to $100…$399 to $400…$999 to $1000 etc.

EDIT 2: If you have a car for sale and you want $10,000 for it are you listing it for $10,000 or $9995?

  • GlendatheGayWitch@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    The lack of a computer system is all the more reason why it would need to be rung in the cash register and typed or written up. With no co.puter, everything has to be done by hand and there’s no way anyone would be able to recall every transaction in a given day by memory.