Life uhh… finds a way
Some cats like dog dick.
“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”
I can hear his voice in my head
Flashes of The Grapes of Wrath.
Jesus that scene has stuck with me forever. What a book.
Came here to say this.
I was hoping we would leave this comment behind on Reddit
That’s a good Momma. Helping out pups of all species.
Hey kitty, wrong titty
You’re not you when you’re hungry
As long as it’s consensual…
Is that cat milking a dog?
Cat’s gotta eat… ¯\(ツ)/¯
Dog’s gotta teet?
That nature just does it’s own thing and doesn’t follow our weird puritanical rules, no matter how many times religious people say something “goes against nature”
Its strange though when one species drinks the titty juice of another species. Imagine if humans did it…
Even the most deranged among us wouldn’t dairy do such a thing!
We as a species really lactate particular “live and let live” mindset
My thoughts? My thoughts? You dare attempt to make me think on a Sunday morning?!
“That was a mighty vibe walk today, I really had luck with the weather. Next action: Shower and shave, and after that dinner.”
Hey, what happens in Mexico…
Looks unpleasant for literally everyone involved. Including the picture taker.