Maryland House Democrats introduced a controversial gun safety bill requiring gun owners to forfeit their ability to wear or carry without firearm liability insurance.
Introduced by Del. Terri Hill, D-Howard County, the legislation would prohibit the “wear or carry” of a gun anywhere in the state unless the individual has obtained a liability insurance policy of at least $300,000.
"A person may not wear or carry a firearm unless the person has obtained and it covered by liability insurance issued by an insurer authorized to do business in the State under the Insurance Article to cover claims for property damage, bodily injury, or death arising from an accident resulting from the person’s use or storage of a firearm or up to $300,000 for damages arising from the same incident, in addition to interest and costs,” the proposed Maryland legislation reads.
Nobody should be carrying as a routine.
Ideally, but shits crazy. I’m a transgender woman and like a third of this country proudly wants me dead and some of them are willing to make it happen.
Is your gun keeping a third of your country at bay?
If they see you with a firearm, it will be all these excuse they need.
Don’t fall for the pro-gun bullshit. Equal access to firearms means nothing because violence always favors the biggest asshole.
Don’t tell transwomen how to live their lives. Whatever you are, you do not live up to your username.
Whiteknighting without adding anything? Should transwomen be allowed to say anything, and no one can disagree?
Spare me the feigned alliance. You’re rushing to defend the gun lobby, not the trans community.
LoL, is that all you’ve got left? You think conservatives ever encourage armed transpersons? After all I said to you, the courtesy I extended, you think it was all just bad faith? I wasn’t even rude. You’re as dense as any conservative. Read my history.
What do you think John Brown would say to you? He was an agitator.
Why would they care? They’re making millions of dollars off “armed leftists” who aren’t the slightest threat to them.
They put $16 million of those profits each year into the pockets of the most far-right Republicans running.
The far-right shitheads you’re enabling go on monthly killing sprees targeting minorities. Meanwhile, whats your Nazi body count? Zero?
Do you need some names and addresses? I can hook you up. I’m talking swastika tattoo, mask off, proud boys.
Face it, everything you’re doing is working out great for fascists. You couldn’t have been more help if you joined them.
But it’s all worth it right, because now the trans community is… oh, much less safe and accepted than they would be in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe.
So long as there are actual Nazis around, there exists a strong argument for it.
Nazis that have all the guns they could ever want and routinely go on killing sprees with them.
So what exactly is the argument? That maybe one day, the gun laws that armed Nazis might disarm Nazis, even though they’he completely failed to for their last 5 years?
Stop falling for bullshit gun-lobby marketing.
Fine, you can choose to be utterly helpless when the nazis break down your door, and you will then go wherever they tell you. But at that point you can feel free to stop pretending you own the high road. And stop telling those of us who would fight back effectively that we have no such right.
The gun lobby absolutely does not market to people like me. Gun laws will never disarm nazis, only the minorites they wish to oppress.
This law isn’t about having guns in your house. It’s about having guns at the movie theater.
Thanks for sharing your little hero fantasy with us but you and your guns have done absolutely fuck all to shield anyone from Nazis.
Sounds like the day you’ve lost the high road, not me. You were going to shoot all the Nazis dead with your cool guns remember? Now they’re marching people off to camps.
It’s such a difficult line of bullshit to work with isn’t it? You need to proclaim the Nazis are coming, and that only guns can stop them, but they can’t stop you with their guns, that they purchased from the same store, under the same gun-lobby authored laws.
Oh you’re going to “fight back effectively” are you? So share with us all what your skills are. We don’t know for certain they include “able to safely possess a competently use a firearm” because they’re pro-gun community insist that shouldn’t be a requirement.
Tell us all about the soldier these dead kids have bought us. Do you have any skills besides “gun”? Any military training? Can you set up a secure communication network? Are you able to administer basic first aid? Can you fly a drone? Fuck, tell us what you weigh.
Convince us that the fattest, shittest, most entitled army the world has ever seen is going to keep us safe from the people they almost certainly voted for.
It’s so strange that you think armed leftists have anything in common with your fairly accurate image of right wing chuds.
It is not the job of armed leftists to shield you from nazis. That job is for you and your mighty pens. Great job on that, by the way.
None of us have ever claimed to be heroes who are gonna kill all the nazis with our big bad guns. Self defense is not an offensive act. There are no nazis currently breaking in my door to drag me away. Do you expect me to go out seeking murder? Hell no. Now is the time to dismantle their propaganda networks, prosecute their leaders, bankrupt those who fund them, raise the minimum wage, establish single payer healthcare, safeguard human rights, separate church and state, and once and for all make bigotry and hate speech utterly illegal. We had best get on that.
No armed leftist has ever advocated for untrained irresponsible gun ownership.
You talk as if you think I expect to survive a Nazi coup. That world is not worth living in. Such a battle may very well be hopeless, but if your politicians fail to prevent it, it must be fought. No, I have no unprovable claims of competency for you to ridicule. I have nothing to prove. I’m not a badass. I expect to ensure that I do not go where they tell me. Rather the opposite.
I have never voted for anyone except Democrats since 2000. You’re welcome.
I see you still have offered no viable solutions. I hope your pen is sharp.
Sure they do – their opinions came out of the same sleazy boardrooms dedicated to maximising profits. They just replaced the conservative shit like “god” and “nuclear family” with “minorities” and you lapped it up just as eagerly.
Good to hear you admitting you’re going to do fuck all except push hollow rhetoric.
But hey if you want me and my pen to stop the Nazis firing semi-automatic rifles into crowds of innocent people, we’re happy to write up the new gun laws to prevent it.
At the very least, you could stop bankrolling the pro-gun lobby and their army of lawyers. Maybe you could skip the middleman and just donate $16 million a year directly to Republicans?
A comment that doesn’t even hold true in this single comment section, let alone the rolling plains of AstroTurf that “leftist gun owners” call home.
I started to reply to this but then I realized just how fucking slimey it is. You’ve carefully positioned yourself to claim “even though we demand that training and responsibility remain entirely optional, a true leftist advocates gun safety”.
Presumably by tutting at people on the internet.
You’re clearly determined never to listen. You refuse to accept that any gun owner could possibly not be a fat, stupid, fascist piece of shit. Good luck to you.
You’ve had 30 years for your lies to come true. I’m not giving you any more.
Nobody should be carrying.
Guns are practical tools in rural areas. In town though? Nah.