GitHub - tuanchauict/MonoSketch: MonoSketch is a powerful ASCII sketching and diagramming app that lets you effortlessly transform your ideas into visually stunning designs.
GitHub - tuanchauict/MonoSketch: MonoSketch is a powerful ASCII sketching and diagramming app that lets you effortlessly transform your ideas into visually stunning designs.
Sorry, been so busy trying to get this instance running properly, haven’t had time to reply to the majority of people! So I have actually tried using ascii diagrams many times in the past, but it’s always failed. I think people just don’t want to use another tool to modify the charts, especially because in the one I used I am pretty sure (been a long time now) that once you exported it you could no longer edit it with the tool anymore. These days I simply use one of the text based diagramming tools like D2, mermaid, etc.