It’s insane the lengths that some people will go to save a few seconds on their commute, while also endangering others.

    9 months ago

    Okay, so you know how it sucks to have people ignore rules and ignore you and your safety, you know how it feels to be treated like dirt by other people… and they probably do it because they do not fear any consequences for themselves and think they are in the right.

    So I need to ask you: how will they ever be taught that you have rights that need to be upheld?

    The same question has been asked regarding speed limits and speed cameras are one of the answers. And a pretty good one too. The article says:

    The cameras in Perranarworthal were installed in March 2023 after campaigning from residents. Where the speed camera is, or was, it’s used by parents taking their children to two primary schools … it’s one of the busiest crossings in Truro and there’s been a number of quite bad accidents. For hundreds of people in that area, the speed cameras actually had a really positive effect on their quality of life. Parents feel safe letting their kids walk to school now.

    What has happened here is just completely antisocial behaviour that is ruled by selfish thinking. This is not kicking big brother’s ass. This is kicking asses of people who can not defend themselves against idiots in better ways.

      9 months ago

      What would work better is installing speed plateaus that would require drivers to slow down. That’s what I’m saying. Cameras don’t do that. Especially since they’re already being targeted for vandalism. Waste more money on police surveillance state equipment, or do a cost analysis on whether not just adding speed plateaus would cause much safer driving without increasing gov’t surveillance?

      Cameras have been shown to:

      1., not fully address the issue by causing drops in speeding or accidents in the area,

      2., to instead target lower income and marginalized communities,

      3., to march further toward police surveillance states with cop cars that run all license plates in their area, with fears of AI operated cameras with facial recognition, and like I already mentioned,

      4., lead to non-police or government agencies to get personal information of drivers in the area,

      5., lead to the possibility of third parties without peace officer certification to police the area instead of the police in that jurisdiction,

      6., cause jurisdictions to continue to put more and more of these devices in already marginalized communities to increase their tax and police revenue through increased citations.

      There are a huge number of reasons that this is bad or could be bad. But, what’s significantly easier is traffic engineering, which doesn’t lead to increased police surveillance states and unfair ticketing.

      But, hey. If this community couldn’t be bothered to have speed bumps, or specifically speed plateaus, put in… because it would cause normal drivers the inconvenience of driving up and over them… and they’d rather have cameras put in. 🤷‍♂️

      But, I guess some people there don’t feel the same as them.

      Edit: 3.10 “Speed Hump”