So, your car just got washed and it’s shining bright as the sun itself. You feel good, you’re receiving a lot of attention and maybe today is a great day to take the family out for some ice cream. You park your car to go inside of the ice cream parlor to sit in with your family and you guys enjoy some of your favorite flavors. After finishing up, you head back outside to your car and you witness a nightmare Bird crap all over your freshly washed vehicle! How disappointing is that! Darn birds! It seems as though they enjoy pooping on our vehicles when it has just been washed. These birds have to be stopped or we’ll keep having a hard time keeping our freshly cleaned vehicles perfectly cleaned. How do you keep birds from pooping on your car? Well, before giving you the answer to that question let’s first do a review of what I’m sure you already know about keeping birds from pooping on your car. Your vehicle is more likely to have bird crap on it if you park in any one of these places:

  • Under telephone wires
  • Under a light post
  • Under a tree
  • Near the edge of a building
  • Near a dumpster Yep, staying clear from these areas will definitely prevent a lot of bird poop from splatting on your vehicle’s paint and windows. Ok, now, this is what you probably didn’t know when it comes to keeping birds from pooping on your car. There is a bird poop repellent that is usually used around homes in gardens and near porches, as it is designed to keep away intruding wild animals. It is seldomly used to protect cars, but can work as effective.