• Paragone@hear-me.social
    9 months ago

    @dantheclamman That little post isn’t particularly deep, or convincing.

    It’s just parroting the currently fashionable stuff from the “left intellectual” press.

    What’s REALLY disturbing about that shit, is:

    * it mixes sexual/romance relationship with the relationship between parent & young-child, and *that is vile, underhanded, dishonest, and multidimensionally-improper*.

    * it tries to disable thinking, culturally, displacing it with social-pressure

    ( which both left & right use, btw…

    The most comical globally-visible example of that was the mass herd-protests after Trump was elected.

    Masses of leftists heaped together to protest … Trump being active president.

    And Universe *wouldn’t obey* this mass herd-assertion!!


    ( incredulity is normal, among the social-process-obedient )

    Eventually, Naomi Klein told them “saying no isn’t enough”, and they stopped.

    But … they really believed that Universe would stop, drop, & roll, to obey their social-assertion of their herd??

    Yes, they did.

    THAT is frightening.

    the right’s conforming/enforcing centrism is culturally-different from the left’s belonging-herd centrism, but both displace intelligence, with strategic/planet-scale lethal consequences, when one holds to the long view )

    * it holds that one’s cultural-habit is better a decider than is intelligence ( both left & right do this, and the degree of competent-education required to break that from a population is well-beyond what our “education” has allowed/tolerated, to be )

    * it holds that the rest of the world ought obey its cultural-delusion instead of considered-thinking, which means that considered-thinking has already been eradicated from within that culture


    There are plenty of points, and that little item, linked-to, missed/ignored most of 'em…


    Feel free to mute me, so you never see anything I say ever again…

    _ /\ _

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Masses of leftists heaped together to protest … Trump being active president.

      Go on… tell us what happened on January 6th, 2020.

      • Paragone@hear-me.social
        9 months ago

        @FlyingSquid What has Jan 6th’s crimes got to do with Trump remaining president in-spite-of massed left protest against the fact of his having been elected??


        I’m no apologist for the Trump cult.

        I’m *also* no apologist for any other cult, left or right.

        The mass-protests of the left, against Trump, were supposed to produce … obedience-to-collective-assertion?

        Mobarchy, then?

        Both kinds of delusion are dangerous.

        Never grant either rule of entire-countries.

        _ /\ _

        • Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
          9 months ago


          I don’t think lots of women peacefully walking around is “mobarchy”, or “enforcing obedience” or whatever stupid shit you’re saying.

          In fact women peacefully protesting trumps misogyny sounds like the opposite.

          Not sure why you’d characterize women disagreeing with trump saying “grab them by the pussy” like that.

          • Paragone@hear-me.social
            9 months ago

            @Beetschnapps Who TF said that was what I was talking about??

            I was talking about the masses of people gathering to protest Trump’s being president, after he’d been elected.

            You do understand that there were, and are, multiple protest-factions asserting, at any given time?

            And that each banner/“cause” actually has multiple factions fighting to own/possess the faction?

            And that some are less, and others more, honest?

            And that the ones who are more on the narcissist/machiavellian/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilist-short-termist/sadist spectrums are more-likely to “be success” according to the rigged reality of “political process”??

            Looking at humankind’s action is essentially trying to see what’s going-on through a drunk-making/drugged-making kaleidoscope.


            What our unconscious-ignorance allows-us-to-see, isn’t what’s actually going-on.

            It holds that political-process is more “real” than other things.

            It ignores underlying-causes.

            It *won’t allow us* to be objective, unless we fight for decades against its undermining our integrity, systematically & somewhat-successfully.

            And then you multiply that unconscious political-sentience/motivation also alters all our interactions, realtime, in order to prevent objectivity from having any validity…

            and you mulitply that by “history” is written to cater-to entrenched unconscious prejudice of the faction who wrote that history, so it acts to displace any reader-of-history getting past that…

            it takes *work* to see the complexity of our unconscious idiocy-enforcement regime, it takes work to see the unconscious idiocy-enforcement regime, itself!


            And why was there nobody noticing that WikiLeaks was accepting & publishing stuff embarassing to everyone … *except Russia*, at the time?

            ( notice that WikiLeaks helped Trump win )

            I’ve read that WikiLeaks blocked any accountability touching Russia for a decade, around then…

            So, WikiLeaks was a Russian ally? or Russian-backed operation.

            And nobody reported on that, or considered that that was an internationally-operated Russian-owned/loyal operation.


            Why the hell do people pretend that only 1 or 2 elements of the world exist, at any given time?

            Few *undercurrents* exist, because unconscious-mind *is* simple, as it is limbic/herd-beast mind,
            but the “clothing” that those undercurrents wear, is myriad.

            It always has been.


            Hell, 1 of the most insulting-of-intelligence items is the White-supremacist gaslighting about what “All Lives Matter” means,
            *and everybody else just accepting that gaslighting*.

            Does Indigenous Lives Matter happen to be a part of what All Lives Matter *says* it means?


            Does it have *anything* to do with what White-supremacists mean when they are chanting “All Lives Matter”??

            Of course not!

            So how come when White-supremacism is gaslighting about “All Lives Matter”, while, in 1 instance *gang kicking a nonwhite, together, while chanting that*, that people aren’t calling-out *the gaslighting*??

            ( that was the gang of whites kicking a black man, together, while chanting that, at a Trump rally, which went viral, btw )

            Does Battered-Lives Matter happen to be within the statement of “All Lives Matter”?

            Does Women’s Lives Matter happen to be within it?

            Does Hispanic Lives Matter?

            Does Asian Lives Matter?

            Does The Working Destitute Matter?

            Does Homeless Lives Matter?

            Yet NOBODY in MSM is calling-out the gaslighting of what the White Supremacists mean when they’re falsely stating that??


            Apparently humankind has some impervious-to-objectivity mental-deformation.

            Universe has a solution for that:
            The Great Filter, aka species-extinction of won’t-grow-up toddler-mind-enforcing kinds.

            IF humankind is devout to concerted-ignorance,

            THEN Universe force-corners humankind into extinguishing itself,
            through the same disintegrity-enforcement that our own ignorance “obliges”.

            Universe won’t tolerate our ideological-rabies.

            And that is automatic.

            Nobody, not some male insecure bully “God”, NObody, needs to make it be the force that extinguishes such species:

            it is automatic.

            The incompetence-rabies enforces *its own* extinguishing of the kind of people who are siding with it.

            True elegance, that…

            Self-cleaning Universes…

            and nobody on this planet can get outside of political-faction-belonging,
            to see it,
            when it is going to extinguish this murderously-ignorant toddler-enforcing insane species.


      • Paragone@hear-me.social
        9 months ago

        @Echinoderm Really?

        You hit the original post’s “insight”,
        then you read mine,
        and that is your conclusion?

        Then mute me.

        I’m muting you now.

      • rbhfd@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I chose to believe it’s a but using Musk’s LLM.

        Which does make for a fun game:

        Grok bot or Crack pot?