The Seattle Children’s Hospital filed a lawsuit in Travis County District Court on Dec. 7 against the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG), after that agency requested documents related to gender transition policies and any such care provided to Texas children.
Why in the Kentucky fried fuck is Texas asking Seattle about that.
We all know why. I’m just surprised the hospital responded with a lawsuit instead of a “go fuck yourself.”
It does bring more attention if they drag out the go fuck yourself bit with a lawsuit but they definitely need a huge go fuck yourself with a rake letter here.
I’ve got a nice rusty pitchfork they could use in a pinch.
It sounds like the state could imprison the hospital’s personnel if they ever traveled to Texas (or any other jurisdiction that might jail them on Texas’ behalf).
Yeah I said that this was the inevitable outcome of RvW being overturned. It’s a matter of time now. The line of the ensuing civil war will be drawn over these state extradition agreements, and if a Republican ever gets the presidency again they will use the feds to forcibly extradite doctors to Texas.
Holy fuck I need to get out of Texas
The time is now or as soon as you can.
I gotta say I figured they’d use interstate extradition to bring back women who’d left for an abortion. I did not think they’d be dumb enough to try and act like their laws apply to hospital staff in other states.
We have a law in Washington which prevents healthcare providers from sharing the information that the Texas attorney general is requesting. I love my state.
I’m reading between the lines a bit, but I think the idea is that Texas thinks SCH is providing care that violated Texas law via telemedicine. That’s why they’re asking about stuff like patients of SCH who had their labs done in Texas.