• blazeknave@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Impossible. At a minimum some narcissistic ego “good guy” wants to preserve “humanity’s achievements” like art and culture. Most likely some worse than Musk oligarchy club we don’t know about is on some Elysium shit somewhere somehow. They’re too evil and smart … lmao reading your comment imagining somethin like end of space Odyssey… billionaire cowboys on rockets waving hats and lassos around shooting off into the sunset…

    • Sanctus@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Too smart? The people who are burning every conceivable corner of the Earth to scrape the ashes into the shape of a dollar? I don’t think so. Greed is at the reigns, and it needs more.

      • blazeknave@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        You believe in your heart of hearts that the powers that be are in denial/ignorant that we’re going off a cliff?

        • Sanctus@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          I believe in my heart of hearts that they’re going to live it up until nobody can. What great plan do you see? I see a million fiefdoms clawing for the same resources. Nobody is in charge of this. It is teeth gnashing, bodies pulling in a thousand directions, each of the million King’s attempting to rearrange the world until he is on top. The sociopaths are in charge. They’ll eat each other just as fast as they do us. That is why the madness won’t stop. Like a hydra, each head taken down reveals two more. We have this egregore with us, and even if they wanted to I highly doubt they could stop the system they made, not without critical mistakes that send us hurdling through the windshield.

          • blazeknave@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            I totally get what you’re saying. I just can’t agree bc I see a pretty well oiled structure in place that is successfully achieving unfathomable scale of creating this status quo. We didn’t get here by accident. I also don’t think the stonecutters got together 50 years ago to plan the apocalypse. (I guess I shouldn’t rule it out… looking at you, Christian far right) But I see lots of successful oligarchs in their fiefdoms. And those individuals didn’t stumble into it. Ffs I’m a fan of Bill Gates’ so gooding, but then I see him acquiring more US arable land far from coasts, than any other American.

            • Sanctus@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              I don’t mean everything is an accident. I just don’t believe a cabal of oligarchs is actually orchestrating anything. Its even more telling that they all have different plans. At best they have their own groups within them. I really don’t believe they could keep it under wraps if even half of them where “in on it”. They aren’t extremely cunning geniuses or anything like that. At best they are about average as everyone else. They couldn’t pull off a world dominion. They all want to be the All-Father of it.

              • blazeknave@lemmy.world
                9 months ago

                Still don’t disagree. We’re talking past each other. I suppose to respond specifically to your context- yes. And. The respective individual can each be successful in

                Every dystopian film has taught us that lower caste will turn on their neighbor for a place on the ark. If these projects do exist, they can be as secretive as any government or private r&d project. Get some blackwater types for security. Find a few scientists that have spent so much time in academic intellectualism, they grey area away their morality to justify saving their own kids, or even some narcissistic view on their superior genius dna surviving.

                Don’t be you. Be low morality desperate people with opportunities and motives. If evil oligarchs can shape our entire world order, they can’t build a secret space ship or bunker? It just seems very occams razor to me, if we’re doing this thought exercise.

                As far as collaboration, per my point… no illuminati round table. Just rich dicks being rich dicks in parallel. Any single rich dick can be doing some major apocalypse ready project. Also, any group of rich dicks can. No contradiction with your theses. I really don’t think our perspectives are that different.

                • Sanctus@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  Ah, I apologize for being denser than a black hole. Yeah I see your point. The power they carry only requires one of them to create a secretive project and that is entirely possible. I fully believe all their efforts to subvert their destruction at the hands of their destruction of the ecosystem is futile. I may be wrong in 2023, but the last time I looked into stuff like Biodome it didn’t work. So if worst came to worst, they’d have a limited amount of time in their bunker before some life support system that can no longer be manufactured gives out and there are no more replacements. I guess what I really think is they need to pull their head out of their asses and get with us, because they aren’t saving themselves either like they think they’re going to be able to. So it is a pessimistic view, but its more of “if we get to that point your money, bunkers, and schemes won’t save you.”

                  • blazeknave@lemmy.world
                    9 months ago

                    Lmao you’re not dense. There’s a reason I’ve taken the time to engage, let you know we have common ground, didn’t get defensive, and didn’t ad hominem you :D I’ve been really feeling this site getting more combative. I could understand why you’d assume my intentions are typical.

                    Have you seen Don’t Look Up? The ending is relevant to your comments