They don’t have to make a Linux version. Wine is a program that allows you to run windows programs on Linux. The reason it doesn’t work with fortnite is because fortnite anticheat blocks it. In order to let Linux users (including steam decks) play fortnite, they just have to change an anticheat setting not to block Wine. Fortnite uses battleye and eac, both of which have wine support
It’s a single flag in the anticheat
And making a linux version
And bug testing it vs every other version
They don’t have to make a Linux version. Wine is a program that allows you to run windows programs on Linux. The reason it doesn’t work with fortnite is because fortnite anticheat blocks it. In order to let Linux users (including steam decks) play fortnite, they just have to change an anticheat setting not to block Wine. Fortnite uses battleye and eac, both of which have wine support
And what happens if Wine Fortnite doesn’t work as expected?
Wine isnt a good system for official support
They don’t have to support it, but it wouldn’t kill them to stop actively inhibiting it
You’re missing the point on “works as expected “
It not working can impact other platforms
Eh theoretically? But if that’s the case, it’s kind of a flaw in their backend. If a buggy client can cause issues, anyone can cause issues at will
Fortnite uses both BattleEye and EAC, so it’s at least multiple clicks, depending on the implementation even more.