Third time this has been discovered in Hinds county over the past few months

NBC News has previously documented how Dexter Wade, who lived in Jackson, was struck and killed by a police car and buried in a pauper’s grave this year without anyone telling his mother, who had reported him missing. In another case, the family of Marrio Moore, who was beaten to death in Jackson and buried at the same county cemetery, went eight months without knowing what happened.

Jonathan was buried in a nearby plot at the Hinds County penal farm on Sept. 14, 2022.

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    9 months ago

    Gretchen now believes that Jonathan died of a drug overdose. The reported presence of fentanyl in his body makes her wonder if the meth had been laced with it. But she doubts authorities will be able to answer that question. “They can’t even do the job of notifying a dead person’s next of kin,” Gretchen said. “They probably just thought, ‘Another drug addict, gone.’”

    All but guaranteed. Cops found a dead man with drugs in his system. Why would they care? They probably got angry they were even called to deal with it.

    That photo of the gravesite where he was buried is depressing. I know friends in places like that. I’m going to end up in a place like that. We didn’t, and don’t, have family. This man did. He didn’t deserve this…

      9 months ago

      This shouldn’t even be a decision in the cops’ arena. They should’ve called an ambulance, transported them to a hospital, and a medical doctor should’ve declared death. At that point, it’s a John Doe in the morgue.

      Can someone clarify standard procedures from there?

    9 months ago

    A “pauper’s field,” also known as a “potter’s field,” is a term used for a burial ground for people who are unknown, unclaimed, or unable to afford the cost of a burial plot. Historically, these fields were often used for the burial of the poor, homeless, or strangers without family or friends to claim their bodies. The term “potter’s field” originates from the Bible, where it refers to a field bought by the priests of Jerusalem with the silver Judas Iscariot returned. This field was used to bury strangers, hence the association with burials for those without means or family. Today, the concept persists in various forms, often managed by local governments or religious organizations to provide a dignified burial for those without the means to pay for it.

    9 months ago

    was struck and killed by a police car and buried in a pauper’s grave this year without anyone telling his mother,

    “From the scene, the victim’s body was immediately turned over to the Hinds County Coroner’s office for further investigation, including an autopsy,” Payne said in a statement. “To this day, the Jackson Police Department has had no further communication with the Hinds County Coroner’s office concerning this case. We were never notified of the victim’s cause of death or identity.”

    The state (the government) is comprised of the worst humanity has to offer. Until we start to change this we will continue to race towards self destruction. This is example number 99 googol.