So I’ve always noticed when I’m as down as I can get, I find comfort is music that most people find super depressing all the way to unbearably depressing. Like slit-your-wrists depressing. Songs you’d expect to find someone hanging from a noose in their home on repeat to. These kinds of songs bring comfort because they make me feel like, ok, I’m not so alone with this shit.

And for context, really happy songs just seem the saddest, most devastating songs that there are, because you don’t have that, you don’t have that happiness, love, support, that glimmer of light everyone’s so happy about you know?

So gimme the saddest songs you can think of. I’m wearing Joy Division out.

Some other music/songs I’ve been listening to: Ren - Hi Ren (and some others of his), Elliott Smith, Micah P. Hinson, Portishead, Swans, Lykke Li - I Never Learn, Interpol, Chelsea Wolfe, Elton John - Rocketman, Matt Elliott, Savages - Adore

    10 months ago

    I hear heroin addiction and depression in the original and boredom in the cover. Not to mention the self-aggrandizing music video…I don’t hear pain when he’s singing someone else’s story over clips of his successful, fulfilling life

      10 months ago

      Reznor heard his pain. Perhaps the fact that his successful, fulfilling life still ultimately failed him, is what he’s trying to say. Also, he was an addict too.