Amazon exec says it’s time for workers to ‘disagree and commit’ to office return — “I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better.”::“We’re here, we’re back. It’s working,” an Amazon Studios head said in a meeting, before acknowledging a lack of evidence.
I do have data to back it up, and I know it’s not.
I have the data just from car usage alone. It is braindead easy to produce a detailed ROI document proving how much money both the employer and employees are saving from remote work. It’s a lot from both sides, and that’s not including all of the less tangible benefits, like morale, team building, more focused work with less distractions, etc.
Care to share that data? of Remote Work 2021&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=180908804&utm_content=180908804&utm_source=hs_automation
This is self reporting productivity, not actual productivity.