• Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I want to preface this by saying I’m voting for Biden.

    All the purity ponies and the so-called “independents” that are setting us up for another “win” (EC only) of the orange blob are not really thinking this through…

    So, those people still exist. The party still needs their votes. Browbeating ain’t gonna bring them on board. Is the party going to try appealing to them, or does it prefer Dictator Trump to lowering itself to treating the left like valued constituents?

    I’m voting for Biden. But I’m also disappointed that the stuff he ran on was gleefully jettisoned by the congress that he said would work with him because of his experience. The people who are happy that minimum wage stayed put and most of BBB was gutted are now turning around and being like “vote for us! you have no choice!” and it looks for all the world like they’re taking advantage of the situation.

    People are giving up. Out of apathy, out of disgust, because they feel betrayed. Fuck, I’m voting for Biden and I’m feeling apathetic, disgusted, and betrayed.

    Biden has 11 months to turn this around. His supporters who are demanding unquestioning happiness from everyone who has been let down by this administration aren’t moving that needle in the direction that gets him re-elected. But damn, does it feel good to browbeat people who see what’s coming if the party doesn’t alter course.

    This last sentence is the fourth time I’m going to mention that I’m voting for Biden, and I expect all four will be ignored.

    • AnarchoSnowPlow@midwest.social
      10 months ago

      Another Biden voter here:

      Member the democratic primary when Joe threatened to beat up somebody questioning his (questionable as hell) record?

      I member.

      People don’t get it, like fuck Biden. Fuck trump more, of course, but fuck Biden. And fuck all these people who want you to spoon the shit soup in with a smile.

      They did the same thing to us this time as they do every time. They lied to get us to vote for them then turned around and feigned helplessness when we demanded they actually follow through.

      It feels like our choices are “dark path that leads to widespread political violence” or “dark path that continues existing political violence on a smaller scale.”

      • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        You’re thinking of the Better Business Bureau, which is a private company. I was referring to Build Back Better, which was Biden’s plan that the party’s republican-adjacent wing gutted.

    • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      My comment is not really aimed at people that are voting for Biden, while recognizing his issues. I’m in the same camp. Do I want a more progressive candidate? Yes. Do I wish the Democratic Party was much more progressive than it is? Hell yes.

      My comment is about people that are either too cynical/too pure and insist they are going to remain “above it all” by either bowing out entirely, or throwing their vote away on ridiculous third party candidates. Or even worse, voting for donnie in the hope of some accelerationist BS fantasy that is going to put leftists in the seat of power, somehow.

      I’m not sure if I’m more sick of that type, or the entirely low-info that keep claiming, no matter what the facts are, that “the economy is terrible”, so it doesn’t really matter who wins (and will vote for donnie in some cases, because “Biden is old” or some other fiddly irrelevant nonsense). All I know is that between these two types, our country is hanging in the balance…

      • Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        My comment is not really aimed at people that are voting for Biden, while recognizing his issues. I’m in the same camp. Do I want a more progressive candidate? Yes. Do I wish the Democratic Party was much more progressive than it is? Hell yes.

        The people you’re insulting and belittling are disappointed about the same things you claim to be disappointed about. How are you going to get them on board? You need them on board. Our very democracy hangs in the balance.

        Do you suppose that infantile mockery will do the trick?