About the dock, I would add that if you want to do emulation stuff, a dock with kb/mouse makes it a lot easier. Can you do it with the trackpad and on screen keyboard, yes. Will you hate yourself for trying after 5 minutes, also yes. 😂 Maybe it was just me, I found doing anything other than basic settings changes nearly impossible without kb/mouse.
About the dock, I would add that if you want to do emulation stuff, a dock with kb/mouse makes it a lot easier. Can you do it with the trackpad and on screen keyboard, yes. Will you hate yourself for trying after 5 minutes, also yes. 😂 Maybe it was just me, I found doing anything other than basic settings changes nearly impossible without kb/mouse.
If possible, I’d like to install some kind of Remote Desktop app on the deck so I can just do all that stuff from a window on my primary computer.
If it’s just file management (which for emulators, it is) I would just use FileZilla. It’s a basically GUI for SSH but I like it.