Only 17% of Arab American voters say they will vote for Biden in 2024, according to a new poll.

    11 months ago

    Jesus Christ.

    Everyone knows that Trump sucks more.

    Both are zionists, both enable genocide, both treat Muslims as second class citizens. Muslims are dehumanized, ignored, and suffer either way.

    Nobody’s vote is a guarantee, what part of that is so hard to understand?

    Not voting for Biden, is not voting for Trump, it’s sending a message to democrats that their position is untenable and needs to be revised. You can pretend all you want that all Americans have the luxury of voting for a lesser evil. That option does not exist for Muslims after October 7th.

    I absolutely will never vote for a psychopath that enables the starvation of over a million of children. Regardless of who those children are, regardless of what political positions are held by that individual.

    Don’t blame Muslims when Biden loses. Blame Biden for making 1.8 billion people, including millions of Americans, hate him so much they would sacrifice anything to see him lose.

      11 months ago

      Don’t blame Muslims when Biden loses. Blame Biden for making 1.8 billion people, including millions of Americans, hate him so much they would sacrifice anything to see him lose.

      No I will because we have billions starving all over the globe, genocides in China, Russians trying to take over Ukraine and destabilize our governments and you are just happily playing along because you do not understand you not voting is fucking voting. You are not making a point by ensuring we go into fascism, you are actively enabling fascism. I blame religions in general for where we are today and people’s lack of ability to realize they are complete bullshit. How many more may die of your inaction? If Biden wins and we make sure we vote in proper representatives, then we can still work to better the situation he isn’t a fuckikg dictator like trump wants to be if you just throw up your hands and let democracy die there is no chance at aiding this situation or making it better. You are eating into the right wing propaganda that causes you to vote against your interest but go off on how you aren’t being an enabler. Fucking idiots this world is filled with, absolute morons.

        11 months ago

        The simple fact is that Biden and his administration can immediately provide relief to millions of innocent people by forcing Israel to allow humanitarian aid and a humanitarian ceasefire in exchange for further US funding, as opposed to the carte blanche funding, support, and military aid we are currently giving to them as they ethnically cleanse gaza.

        All of the other problems are out of Biden’s reach, he can’t stop the genocide of the Uyghur people, he can’t force Russia to give up, and he can’t feed the “billions” starving around the globe.

        If censoring Palestinian and American Muslim voices and actively chaperoning a genocide isn’t fascist to you, then I don’t think you understand the term.