• HipPriest@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      No way. For a start you have to have some idea of where you’re going.

      Also you have to be in charge of a vehicle that doesn’t run people over. Though I guess that technically depends on how many shifts you want to do

  • Noit@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Go on Liz, split your party and force an early GE. Lib Dem sleeper agent strikes again.

  • fakeman_pretendname@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    Someone needs to introduce her to Sim City, Cities Skylines or Democracy # Political Simulator.

    “Here you go, Liz - you can play with budgets all day and nobody gets hurt”

    • zeet@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      “I have never shied away from tough decision. Our choices over the last week, opposed by the party opposite, will prove to be the right ones. Many experts are already predicting a golden future, with up to one million new homes built, and a new trade route to Japan.”

      **Camera cuts to the swathe of destruction left by Godzilla**

  • frog 🐸@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    They say the definition of madness is repeating the same actions and expecting different results…

    I do find myself worrying about Liz Truss. Not in the sense of worrying that she might actually get another attempt at destroying the country. I’m worried about Liz Truss herself. Like, is she okay? Does she need help? Are there loved ones who are concerned about her mental state?

    • DessertStorms@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Being a greedy self serving arsehole isn’t a mental illness.

      I get that you’re probably joking and I’m not trying to have a go at you but I think it’s important to point out because it both gives people like her an out, and also deepens stigma of mental illness (when mentally ill people are more likely to be victims of abuse than perpetrators of it).

      I think it’s much more likely that she just doesn’t give a fuck about the poor plebs whose lives she’s playing with, she just wants to “play minister” because she feels entitled to. It’s just a reflection of how privileged and oblivious of (and unbothered by) the lives of regular people those in charge are.

      • frog 🐸@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        See, that’s the thing. I don’t think Liz Truss is a greedy, self-serving asshole. She’s someone who is wrapped up in an ideology that makes a certain sense on paper, but completely falls flat when it hits reality. She’s clinging to ideas she learned in university, which she honestly believes will help, and despite everything that happened last year (and the interviews and such she did at the end were truly tragic - she was like a little girl completely out of her depth), she still genuinely believes her ideas are right.

        Liz Truss isn’t evil. She’s emotionally stunted, clinging to ideas that make the world make sense to her, and has a profound lack of self-awareness. Since last year, which was obviously highly traumatic for her, she’s clinging harder rather than confronting the reality that she might actually… be wrong. Liz Truss is 100% someone who needs therapy.

        In fact, I’d wager that an awful lot of people with her beliefs, and right wing beliefs in general, are not inherently evil. They just have unmet emotional needs that would benefit from getting some counselling. Genuine psychopaths and sociopaths are actually pretty rare. And the vast majority of people who would benefit from therapy don’t meet a diagnostic threshold for a specific, named mental illness - but they still need to take care of their mental health and can cause a lot of harm when they don’t.

        So yeah, I’m sticking with my initial assessment: Liz Truss needs help. She’s caused a lot of harm, not through malice or selfishness, but through messed up core beliefs and coping mechanisms.

        • DessertStorms@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Your entire reply can be summed up on one word - entitlement.
          And entitlement is born of privilege, not mental illness.

          Everyone in society could do with fucking therapy, and there are millions of people who I would give it to before I gave it to Truss (who aren’t getting it, and often need it in the first place, precisely because of people like her and their actions), because they are in actual need rather than just being overly entitled and fucking up with the immense power they’ve been given as a toy.

          She (or anyone like her) isn’t some innocent little lamb simply being led astray, you don’t become a conservative MP without being fully aware that you’re only fighting for some people in society, even if you don’t like admitting it, and all you are doing is providing her with excuses when there are none.

          • frog 🐸@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            I think you’re wrong on that. While I don’t agree with the politics of conservatives, and I don’t share their views, I’ve met enough of them to know they genuinely think they’re helping everyone. Their version of “helping” is just summarised as “everyone should stand on their own two feet and being independent is better for them than relying on others”. It’s short-sighted, ignorant, and fails to account for all the circumstances of different people’s lives. Typically they have some level of privilege, whether that’s being born into wealth or power, or just being exceptional enough that they could overcome disadvantages that others couldn’t. Doesn’t make them evil. Just ignorant.

            I live by “judge the action, not the person”. Liz Truss is exceptionally foolish, not evil. And I actually think it’s not helpful to demonise all conservatives as evil and only out for themselves. Plenty of them are ignorant, misinformed, and paternalistic (in the sense that they think they know what’s best for people, regardless of what those people say for themselves). Plenty of them are incompetent. But there’s a tendency in some circles to ascribe malice to what can very easily be explained by stupidity.

            Also: the people who have enormous amounts of power in their hands are exactly the people that need therapy the most, because they need to be thinking straight and making rational decisions. Nobody should be allowed to be an MP without having extensive therapy first.

        • Syldon@feddit.uk
          1 year ago

          I think the donations Liz Truss received shows just how emotionally stunted she is when it comes to money. Her leadership campaign alone got her £500k. There is nothing idealistic with the Tories, they are driven by money and nothing else. Just look at the people she wanted to give honours to in her leaving list:

          Truss’s list of life peers includes Sir Jon Moynihan, a big pro-Brexit donor to the Conservative Party, and Matthew Elliott, who ran the Brexit campaign in 2016, The Sun reported. Others are said to be Ruth Porter, Truss’s deputy chief of staff in No 10, and Mark Littlewood, head of the Institute for Economic Affairs think tank that backed her mini-budget.

          • DessertStorms@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            You only become that clueless about money, when you’ve never wanted for it.

            That’s still not a mental illness.

          • frog 🐸@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            You do realise that when people are driven by money, it’s because there’s some other hole that needs filling, right? Emotionally healthy people don’t need to grasp after money.

            Liz Truss’ leaving honours shows her doing the same thing all Prime Ministers do: giving stuff to her allies. Is it the right thing to do? No. Is it an entirely normal human thing to do? Yes. People do favours for friends, family, and allies all the time. And while I think politics should be regulated in a way that doesn’t allow it to happen, due to the corruption it inevitably leads to, it stems from a natural impulse that everyone has felt (and most people have acted on) at some point. The big difference is in a matter of scale: one person getting a discount on goods/services because they know someone that works at the company is a much smaller “perk” than getting a peerage because they knew the Prime Minister, but it’s the same impulse.

            I don’t hold politicians up on some pedestal, expecting them to be better than everyone else. Because they’re not. They’re humans, which means they’re flawed, but for the most part are not deliberately malicious. Better rules, which are better enforced, is what’s needed. Not some idealistic wish that politicians will somehow not have the same flaws as everyone else.

            • Syldon@feddit.uk
              1 year ago

              I don’t hold politicians up on some pedestal,

              I am sorry but I do hold them to a higher standard than anyone else. This is a massive failure in the UK, and one that has been abused by the current batch of Tories. Truss is very much part of the corruption that has gone on for the last 13 years. She was complicit in £150m for PPE which could not be used. To say they should not be held accountable and they are just human after all is just plain contempt for the money we have lost because of them. Labour have said they will hold them to account as soon as they are gone. I for one will be waiting for that day.

              • frog 🐸@beehaw.org
                1 year ago

                I think the rules should hold them to a higher standard, because as human beings, they are not capable of living up to high standards unless there are consequences for not doing so. I specifically said that there needs to be better rules that are properly enforced, although it seems you simply skimmed over my post instead of actually paying attention to what I was saying. Saying “they’re humans that are flawed” is not the same as saying “they shouldn’t be held accountable”. The reason we need rules is because it has never been realistic or possible to expect anyone to behave perfectly unless there are enforced rules to hold them accountable. It’s nothing but wishful thinking to believe they’ll behave perfectly of their own accord, because they’re human like everybody else.

                • Syldon@feddit.uk
                  1 year ago

                  I read your post in its entirety. It negates the driven greed that has been the feature of the Tory policy machine. You try to justify their actions as just human nature. It is not, they have abused the power given by grabbing more power. They drawn up laws to penalise those with differing opinions. They have done all this from the playbook of the Republicans across the water, who have done exactly the same as the Tories only to a much higher degree. The phrases used by both parties are the same. The gerrymandering is done in exactly the same fashion. They have both changed voting procedures just to prevent opponent voters from getting to the polls. Much the same as the PiS party did in the recent Polish elections, who believe it or not are National Conservatives.

                  Nothing the Tories have done is because of misunderstanding; everything has been deliberate and to the playbook of advisors from the likes of the IEA. The Tories are not just single entities without any real direction. They have a lot of money advising them. By all means google 55 Tufton St.

                  It’s nothing but wishful thinking to believe they’ll behave perfectly of their own accord, because they’re human like everybody else.

                  This contradicts your opinion that they should be held to account. Being held to account does not mean you look for excuses. Being a human being does add up to mitigating circumstances.

                • DessertStorms@kbin.social
                  1 year ago

                  Saying “they’re humans that are flawed” is not the same as saying “they shouldn’t be held accountable”

                  And yet you’ve spent this entire thread creating imaginary excuses as to why Truss shouldn’t be (and worse - claiming she needs help, the poor soul).

                  You’re pretending as if those who write the rules don’t it to maintain their own power, or as if they didn’t create a system that encourages and rewards her kind of behaviour (which is perfectly in line with every other Tory, are they all mentally ill?), because it’s simply easier for you to label her as mentally ill than it is for you to deal with the uncomfortable reality (which includes the fact that actually mentally ill people are some of the least likely to make it to positions of power because of how ableist our society is, and this thread is an example of that).

  • mannycalavera@feddit.uk
    1 year ago

    I say let her do it.

    Then let all sane economists and market analysts tear it to shit. At least this way we won’t suffer the ill effects and she’ll still be outlived by a lettuce 🥬.

    • Echo Dot@feddit.uk
      1 year ago

      You first need to publish a book proving that you have no idea about how economics works. It’s a test to make sure we don’t accidentally hire someone competent.

    • Hossenfeffer@feddit.uk
      1 year ago

      I’ve got some ideas. £5 off the price of a pint of beer. A new 2000% tax on sales of music I don’t like. A windfall tax on foodbanks. Free packed lunches for hamsters, Er. Ok, I had three ideas. Four ideas. Am I PM yet?

  • HipPriest@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    The picture is not flattering either, she looks haggard and confused. And what’s going on with her hand? Begging for a private eye bubble