“Out of sight, out of mind” is often said as a good thing, but for people like me, it’s chaos. I love it when desk, desktop and inbox are tidy because that means that I have nothing to do or worry about.
Resources are always put away. When I’m working on a project my mind can easily recall where a resource is. I can then track it down. Things like specific bolts, old Ethernet plugs etc all get packed up out of the way.
Reminders can never be hidden. Things like my keys and wallet are easy examples, but reminders also include that book I want to read next or that coding project I wanted to work on. Reminders are always front and center on my desktop, they’re right by the door (sometimes on hangers attached to the door in the case of wedding rings) and I don’t forget them because they’re obvious.
So things you need to do? Reminder category. Set calendar events for the things that need temporal reminders, or have to be put away.
But then how do I remember the things I need to do if they are not all over the place? (I don’t even know if I’m joking)
“Out of sight, out of mind” is often said as a good thing, but for people like me, it’s chaos. I love it when desk, desktop and inbox are tidy because that means that I have nothing to do or worry about.
My life is a never ending whirlwind of fast forward because of this, leaving so much unfinished behind
I would love to hear more of this wonderful fairy tale…
I have 2 categories of things:
Resources and Reminders.
Resources are always put away. When I’m working on a project my mind can easily recall where a resource is. I can then track it down. Things like specific bolts, old Ethernet plugs etc all get packed up out of the way.
Reminders can never be hidden. Things like my keys and wallet are easy examples, but reminders also include that book I want to read next or that coding project I wanted to work on. Reminders are always front and center on my desktop, they’re right by the door (sometimes on hangers attached to the door in the case of wedding rings) and I don’t forget them because they’re obvious.
So things you need to do? Reminder category. Set calendar events for the things that need temporal reminders, or have to be put away.
Resources? Keep them out of sight.
I will have to do this
My system may not work for you: make changes and make it yours.
But as a kid with raging ADHD diagnosed at 8 and never been medicated: this is how I function, and it works well.
It drives me nuts when I visit my mother’s house (also raging ADHD) because it’s chaos everywhere.
I know that you think you might be but you aren’t.
“How can I find anything in all this order?!?”
That’s exactly me. I have an organized mess!