my calculus teacher did little senior year jokey biographies of people as a big powerpoint on the last day. he was well loved, venerable, yet also slightly … odd. sharp, but vaguely weird. he separated people into basically informal friend groups [with multiple people on the same slide] and people who were the sort of weird alone people. i was one of the alone people. and he said i slept all the time for some reason, i was very sleep deprived but very anxious.

i was sleep deprived all of school really, it started so fucking early, terribly unfair to anybody’s sleep schedule

upon typing this I suppose it isn’t the Worst but it’s still not a fun way to end

    1 year ago

    I was having a seizure (not grandmal)and the art teacher stepped over me, said “huh”, and went to his desk to watch it vids of the wrestling team. When people pointed out that I was having a seizure the teacher said to take me to the nurse. So a few kids half carried half dragged me to the nurse. We got most of the way there when the security officer found us and pulled a wheelchair from a closet, put me in it, and took me to the nurse. I was fine after a few mins, cried a bit, then went back to class. Now there’s mandatory seizure training for all staff and faculty at that school.