• pingveno@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    This is the translation I’m working off:

    Why was Zhang Zhan not sentenced to a slogan in cities in mainland China when he was campaigning for the return of the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong? Because no people knew about it, no one scolds him. Later, Zhang Zhan’s inaccurate and untrue report on the Wuhan protests was exposed. The comments were all scolding Zhang Zhan, and now the people are scolding him. Do you think about whether Zhang Zhan’s sentence is the will of the Communist Party or the will of the people?

    First, Zhang Zhan was targeted by the police for actions in support of various causes. Merely speaking or working in support of a cause wouldn’t get someone a prison sentence.

    Second, it’s worth noting that referring to all the comments as scolding Zhang Zhan is fallacious. Opposition commentary is routinely scrubbed from the Internet. Under an environment like that, there’s no way to tell how many people were in support. It’s also impossible to have an informed citizenry because the only thought that can exist is enslaved to the Communist Party.

    Third, I was just using Zhang Zhan as an example. There are many other examples of people being arbitrary detained or imprisoned for criticizing the CPC. This same type of criticism is highly protected at least in the US.

    • 你都不会中文,那你也没上过中文互联网。谁告诉你反对派言论总被从网上删除?知乎里全是骂中国吹美国的,你在知乎说中国好还要被人骂,被删了吗?没有。QQ空间全是”网络左派“与自由派。有一个拥有十万粉丝的哔哩哔哩LGBT博主,DD第二代,在微博上反对他人骂台独,辱骂毛泽东,称毛泽东、斯大林等人都是虚假的马克思主义者,还使用谐音说他人是支那人(支那人的意思就像ChingChong),在几个月的举报后他的微博才被封。没有。这就是你所谓的反对言论总被删除?这些言论已经不仅仅是反对了,而是对他人的侮辱。为什么骂中国吹美国的人和自由派没有表达对张展的支持?因为张展被注意到的时候美国与其他欧洲国家已经死了几十万人了。张展的文章标题”满地无主手机“证明张展认为中国有很多人因COVID而死,而为什么中国会死这么多人?张展认为这是因为中国的制度落后于欧美的民主制度。张展发表这些文章时COVID的绝大多数死亡案例都在中国。然而在张展被人们注意到时,它的观点早已被证明是完全错误的,因此中国的反对派固然不会支持张展。或者说中国网民都反对张展,你怎么还说得出是”任意监禁“?

    • PX项目事件是完全和平的,还被中国媒体广泛报道。而某位”民主斗士“广泛传播的言论称其”流了许多血“并且有超过一千的转发。这已经不是批评了,而是造谣。然而这位”民主斗士“至今还没有遭到监禁。这位”民主斗士“本人就在中国新疆。你的”例子“到底都是从西方宣传中得知的,中国将维吾尔族人关进集中营也是来自西方宣传。有些信息是真实的,有些信息是部分真实的,有些信息是完全虚假的。你固然没有能力调查这些信息的真实性,但你却选择无条件相信。如果你认为此类批评受到高度保护,别忘了特朗普在这几天才遭到搜查。这就是高度保护吗?

      • pingveno@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        I concluded that this wasn’t a productive conversation. I’m used to very strict press freedoms. Maybe not perfect, but leagues better than China. China just doesn’t have that. Journalists can and routinely are detained merely for what they said. It may not be as bad as the most despotic countries, but it’s not a country with a free press.

        • 你所谓的严格的新闻自由只是可以随意造谣吗?CNN曾拍摄过一段采访新疆警察是如何迫害维吾尔族人的视频,视频中的这位新疆警察的臂章上的中文是错误的,CNN在造假时将“公安”两个字写成了“公支”,一眼假。这就是所谓的新闻自由?https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/jun/05/im-getting-shot-attacks-on-journalists-surge-in-us-protests 这就是新闻自由!你真是秦始皇摸电线赢麻了捏

          • pingveno@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            Well, there’s defamation for many claims, so people aren’t complete free to make false accusations. For example, Alex Jones of Info Wars is currently the subject of multiple lawsuits from the families of victims of mass shootings in which Jones made defamatory statements on air. But it’s going to be a much higher standard than the government declaring your speech as “spreading rumors”.

            The journalists that got hurt were right in the thick of protests that sometimes got very violent. There’s plenty of blame to go around there, of course. These do not appear to have been targeted attacks on journalists. Also, from what I understand there were a lot of people who were taking part in the protests, but had the press jacket on.

            Now compare that to, say, the recent treatment of the Hong Kong media. Since 2019, one independent outlet after another has closed its doors as the police have raided their offices. Within just a few years, it’s gone from media that was free to criticize the government for shortcomings to something more like the Chinese media, where publishing in contradiction of the CPC’s narratives risks arrest.

            • 你说的那个记者发表诽谤性言论被制裁,CNN的那段“采访迫害维族人的警察”的视频是绝对造假的,毕竟这两个简单的汉字在中国有小学一年级的学历的人就不会搞错。而CNN不需要承担任何代价,证明你们所谓的新闻自由并不比中国好,甚至更恶心,可以随意地进行造谣

            • 你倒是解释一下为什么关于弗洛伊德游行的记者会被这样对待?这一百四十八名记者诽谤了什么?CNN对新疆的诽谤为什么没有遭到处理?说白了,美国同样打击谣言,新闻自由仅对攻击敌国的新闻生效。我再问你,真正的记者在游行活动中会做出伤害他人的暴力行为吗?我觉得不会。警察又有什么权力攻击没有做出暴力行为的示威者?没有吧?那警察为什么要逮捕记者?所以你的辩护不成立。警察不过是要破坏所谓新闻自由罢了。香港暴动里包括苹果日报等都大肆宣传香港警察打伤打死示威者但基本没有任何证据或者是有失偏颇的报道。最广为流传的“示威者被香港警察打伤”图片被证明图片中的伤者是被另一个示威者用弹弓打伤的。你所谓的独立媒体不过是反中亲西方的擅长于报道假新闻和片面新闻的媒体罢了