With the 2024 presidential race beginning to unfold, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said he believes that President Joe Biden will again earn the Democratic nomination — and the president likely win reelection if he runs on a strong progressive campaign.

“I think at this moment … we have got to bring the progressive community together to say, you know what, we’re going to fight for a progressive agenda but we cannot have four more years of Donald Trump in the White House,” Sanders said Sunday on “Face the Nation.”

Sanders endorsed Mr. Biden in April. Sanders referenced several of those issues in underscoring what he believes is the importance of building “a strong progressive agenda” to win the presidency in 2024.

  • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    On just one of those, because imo climate is the biggest problem right now, I think there is tons more he needs to do. We are to the point where a climate emergency needs to be instated and drastic measures need to be taken. Im talking no oversight emergencies power and regulations to industry.

    We all work in different industries and could run off tons of idea per industry that could reduce emissions. Heres what could be done for tech, for example.

    Mandated long 10 year support cycles on consumer goods, reparability, phasing into RISC based architectures to reduce energy consumption with a governmentally backed x86 compatibility layer funded by tax dollars to insure compatibility.

    Reduce server loads by banning digital ads and tracking protocols, as well as creating site standards that reduce bloat.

    Heck, incentives for work from home would drastically cut our vehicle emissions.

    Im sure we all could do what I did for every single industry with even greater depth. We need a no oversight emergency commision to do just that and insights it.