Growth in german wind capacity is slowing. Soo… then the plan is to keep on with lignite and gas? Am I missing something?

Installed Wind Capacty - Germany

German Wind Capacity

    1 year ago

    Coal plant produces more radioactive waste than nuclear power plant.

    Tell me you are totally brain-washed without telling me you are totally brain-washed.

    The correct take: Coal plants without any environmental requirements 50-60 years ago release more radiation into the area in the form of fly ash (containing natural amounts of radiation like all earth around you) than the radiation excaping from a modern nuclear power plant through it’s massive concrete hull. And only if we ignore any actual nuclear waste (of which coal plant obviosuly produce zero) pretend that the radiation leaking through is not actually a miniscule share.

    Just the fact that this fairy tale about coal power producing radio activity based on some (already then criticised and flawed) study from the 1970s (and based on even older numbers) is still going around shows how lobbyists have damaged your brains.