The next patch for Baldur’s Gate 3 is supposed to include a lot of performance improvements, especially for Act 3. I know I’ve seen complaints in this community that the game runs too rough in act 3 on Deck to be a good experience, so this should be great news for people.

While I didn’t see it explicitly mentioned in this patch preview, FSR 2 support was previously announced to be added to the PC version in early September. I’m hoping between FSR 2 and the other improvements we’ll see a significant increase in the Deck BG3 experience.

    1 year ago

    Not Deck related, but I hope it will also fix whatever the heck is going on with my desktop: still in act 1, but (I think) there’s a memory leak that causes it to stutter more and more, to the point where it can actually decide to take a second off between frames. Multiple times per minute. I don’t get it on Deck, so I get to choose between loud fan and modest graphics, or quiet 4K glory with a reminder I’ve been playing for a while… lol