Image description: meme with the “so true” soyjak meme format.

Panel one: flag of zionist entity, soyjak who represents trans people, the pride flag, Palestine maoists?, Sockdems, Ieland says: Fuck off! I don’t believe in this zionist imperialist nonsense.

Panel two: kurdish flag, same soy from earlier: omg! Wholesome “indigenous” self determination!

    1 year ago

    Needs to be liquidated immediately. One of the greatest international failures of the USSR. Amerika reflected.


    I believe we are mainly in unity about this here. No two-state solution will ever work. It has to be one state with social and economic equity between native Palestinians and other inhabitants with Palestinian rule. This is all secondary and even merely hypothetical in the face of the ongoing “settlement” which is displacing, starving, dehydrating, bleeding fucking dry the lives of millions of people. This is all if the Israeli settlers and their settler state grant you the mercy of suffering and do not instead murder you on sight. Women, children, reporters, the elderly, the disabled, other (usually brown-skinned) Jews – the IDF does not discriminate. They will shoot you dead.

    Ergo… critical support for Hamas, critical support for Hezbollah, for Iran, for Syria, for the Ba’athists, Pan-Arabists and anyone in their fight against the ongoing imperial project, ongoing open air prison, ongoing genocide that is occurring before the entire world’s eyes and is not being stopped.

    To quote an article so otherwise shitty I won’t even link to it, here’s the DPRK’s official stance.

    In a statement on Friday, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said “Israel’s horrific crime of killing the bud-like children, yet to be bloomed, is a severe challenge to the future of humankind and a crime against humanity.”

    “It is no exaggeration to say that the whole Gaza Strip has turned into a huge human slaughterhouse and a place of massacring children,*” the ministry continued. "*Soon after the end of the bombardment, [Israel Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and the Israeli authorities are trying to conceal their crime of killing even the children."

    It added that international news outlets are "strongly condemning Israel for continuing to massacre children, pointing at Israel as a culprit of expulsion of Palestinians, illegal settlement expansion and sowing the seeds of hatred by suppressing their peaceful praying ceremony."

    North Korea has long recognized Palestinians’ sovereignty over all territories held by Israel, excluding the Golan Heights[…which are illegally occupied Syrian lands – SovereignState]. Pyongyang considers Israel as an “imperialist satellite” that runs counter to its own regime’s anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist ideology. For decades, the family regime of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un has sided with Palestinian militant groups including Hamas.

    I consider the PRC’s current position on the issue more than a little problematic (disastrous) but understand where they are coming from in not completely severing ties and rallying the international community against the settler project. Still, I consider it a glaring failure of the Chinese socialist project that they find themselves in a position wherein they can’t even denounce genocide occuring before the world’s eyes. This is changing, though I wish it would change more quickly. Genocide is kind of time-sensitive.

    The parallels between Israel and Amerika’s settler-colonization projects are more apparent than the differences between them. Internationalists everywhere need to recognize that if they consider themselves serious about decolonization. Self-determination is non-negotiable.

    Obviously it’d be preferable if the PFLP or radical factions of Fatah came to govern New Palestine rather than political Islamist groups funded by Iran. It doesn’t really matter, though. Genocide is occuring. The political force that matters most is the one capable of ending it.