I am just wondering why we dont using technology to rull the world together yet…

just get unite and work together

how many people using open source hardware/software?

I have a lot of questions and I wanna hear ALL opinions…

no prejudice so kill me now ;)

  • comfy@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    just get unite and work together

    Well, it’s been a few thousand years and we’re still having trouble with that part. Why do you think us “using technology” will change that? Tools are tools. Guns, computers, industry, it’s all a bunch of tools which only mean as much as the people able to make use of them. People don’t just flock to software that shoves ads in their face because they like ads. People don’t just not fix problems because they like having problems. Things like knowledge, motivations, environmental pressures, society and economics are all intertwined and determine how people use or don’t use tools like technology.

    A lot of people on this site including me will say many of the problems are rooted in capitalism and the way it necessarily makes people and companies care about profit over people and society. So, let’s say that is the case, how do we do something as massive as abolishing capitalism? The most powerful people in society want to defend it, and to convince others to defend it! It’s not easy, and technology only helps so much against an enemy that large.

    Revolution isn’t unheard of; most people here are in countries that used to be ruled by kings and queens, or by colonial empires. Even socialist revolutions have happened around the world and even in recent decades. But it’s not easy, and as always powerful people want to keep things things the way they are.

    People have spend decades trying to figure this problem out. Hopefully you can stand on their shoulders and get us closer to a better answer than liberalism was.