Any recommendations, strategies or warnings? Please share :)

    1 year ago

    Most of our group was busy this week, so it was a 2P session with my partner. We got around to trying Unmatched: Cobbles and Fog. Neither of us had played before, so things got a bit messy with the rules a couple of times. Production quality is great - everything looks fantastic. The game may be a little lighter than I’d like, but seemed quite balanced at least! To compare, I think closest game I can think of is Dice Throne, but I think the dice throwing/manipulation does something a little more for me than the maneuvering of Unmatched. Still, fun was had!

    My partner and I also received Dead Letter Society, a TTRPG about vampiric society pen pals writing letters to one another. We’re in the process of making our characters to give it a go! I’m interested in using this game to connect with a friend that a couple of hours away, so this should be a good way!

    This week, we’re aiming to get Skyrim: The Adventure Game to the table again as we’ve got a hankering for massive table presence and fulfilling quests!