hy im trying to install arch as the third os on my windows / ubuntu machine and i cant figure it out how to set the grub bootloader i have already read the friendly manual but probably also due to my non native English origins i coudnt find an answer to my question witch is during the arch install should i reinstall grub with grub-install ? i would prefer to keep the old (ubuntu) one also because its already customized but unfortunately i cant…if i dont install it i dont have the directory /boot/grub in witch i should place the grub.conf file so should i just create this directory ? i have tried with os-prober correctly activated to generate a new grub.conf but it doesnt pick up the arch install …, what are the files i must have to make grub recognize those partitions as a new os to witch assign a new boot entry …

  • DNOS@reddthat.comOP
    1 year ago

    Thanks I always thought ther was a grub for each os and they will recognize each other … Following an other user advices I have added a separate /boot partition to Ubuntu but eventhow I have added the line in the fatab on boot it doesn’t mount properly so I have to manually mount it from the recovery mode… if I select to mount it on boot from the GUI (gnome-disks) it adds a couple of lines in the file /run/systems/generator/boot.mount but nothing changes …can u confirm me that this file is not consulted on boot so its not relevant ? So should I mount the /boot/EFI (already mounted) ,/ , /home and /boot (already mounted) on Ubuntu before updating grub ? Doesn’t this tell to mount the arch os when I boot ubuntu ? … I have just realized could the problem be in the fact that during the arch install I have followed a tutorial which have told me to create a /boot /EFI directory on witch I should mount the EFI partition while in Ubuntu the EFI partition is mounted in /boot/efi that could defenetly be it … how should I proceed to fix it remove the EFI directory with all the stuff there’s in it and mount it on /boot/efi? Don’t wanna mess it up removing stuff is always dangerous… Let me know thanks a lot man I feel like we are getting closer